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Many successful customer projects have shown that „zero accidents“ can be achieved. Here are a few examples:

1. Worldwide consultancy project at Clariant AG

In 2009 we were awarded the contract to improve safety at 120 sites all over the world. At 24 sites we carried out the consultancy and training work ourselves. For the remaining sites we trained internal Clariant trainers. By 2015 the LTA rate had been reduced by 74 % and the number of days lost had been reduced by 78 %. By the implementation of IBS-Sustainability-Tools the reduction of the accidents continued after IBS finished their consulting.

2. European consultancy project at Quadrant GmbH (a Mitsubishi Plastics Company)

The concept started in February 2015 for all European sites. In December 2016 they reached ZERO ACCIDENTS. The accident curve shows that the focus on unconscious errors provided the break-through towards zero accidents.

3. Study created by the German association of the glass and ceramics industry

In cooperation with this „Berufsgenossenschaft“ our concept was used in glass companies for 12 months and the results were documented. The accidents were reduced by average 86%.

4. Exemplary development of safety culture

The example of this metal processing plant (aerospace) with 400 employees shows how the safety culture and the importance given to safety have improved thanks to the consultancy and training carried out by IBS Consulting.

Chart 1 Quality and Stability of the Safety Culture
Chart 2 Sustainability of Safes Behaviour
Chart 3 & 4 Development of the Value of Safety
Chart 5 & 6 Development of Safety Leadership in the field of Feedback & Motivation

5. Avoiding unconscious errors

At a chemical company with approx. 700 employees we carried out a project focussing on avoiding unconscious errors.

During 2012, the site had 20 accidents and injuries due to:

1. Tripping and falling
2. Dangerous/wrong control of movements
3. Incorrect working behaviour (routine)

Once our training concept Fundamentals of safe Behaviour® had been completed accidents and injuries were reduced to 2. This is a decrease of 90 %.

© 2025 Institute Bruno Schmaeling Consulting Group