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26.02.2020 11:37
by Christin Eder

Occupational safety requires courage!

For almost 20 years I have been working for and with the "Institute Bruno Schmäling Consulting Group", because it makes me happy to improve and maintain the quality of life of people.

Every accident is a major event in the life of the injured person, and depending on the severity of the accident, the relatives are also severely affected. I do not wish this upon anyone and I am glad to see that companies are joining me on the path to ever safer working.

In working with my clients I have had varying degrees of success and also varying speeds of success. What is the reason for this?
The faster the management gets involved and trusts me, seeks solutions together with me and really lives occupational safety, the greater and faster the success.

I know that occupational safety in modern companies has "Priority 1", but companies have difficulties in implementing it at first. Besides occupational safety, there are other priorities: quality, productivity and the current economic situation. Consistent occupational safety also promotes the other factors.
The most important thing is that every manager and executive visibly puts occupational safety first, talks to employees about it, asks questions and acknowledges safe behaviour.

The employee must realize that it is a personal concern of his or her superiors that no one in the company has an accident.
You need to listen to your employees and gradually eliminate the really important safety risks, speak openly with your employees, seek contact and pull together. Then EVERYTHING is possible! This commitment does not cost money and does not cost so much time!
We at "Institute Bruno Schmäling Consulting Group" have developed many practical tools that support companies in visibly putting the topic of occupational safety first. If you use them consistently, your company will be successful.

If occupational safety is implemented by all supervisors according to our specifications, the climate in the company changes, communication improves, managers lead more clearly and are more self-confident - dangers are recognized, eliminated and reported. Similarly, the way we work together changes, accidents are significantly reduced, production improves and this positive development also extends to other areas. The supposed contradiction between occupational safety and other priorities disappears into thin air.
Success stands and falls with the executives, above all the managing directors and management, because occupational safety is lived from the top down.

Finally, I would like to thank the many managers who put their trust in me and embarked on the journey to greater safety together.
Maybe I have made you think? If you care about your employees, then you too should start your journey, be courageous and stand up for the safety of your employees. It is worth it!



Christin Eder
Managing Director: IBS Central Europe


Christin Eder

Pad. (FAKS)

Managing Director:
IBS Central Europe

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